Blessed be the name of Lord Jesus.
Let’s study the Word of God.
Most of us know full well that apart from Christ there is no salvation. Unless we identify with Christ,there is no life.Just like Paul,under the Spirit’s influence, wrote,”by one man did come death,(through Adam),so shall life be brought by one man (who is Jesus Christ).”
Christ is the only Way to get into heaven.It is only through him that we can enter God’s presence.All other means lead to a dead end.
While he lived on earth,Jesus spoke using parables.He used figurative language to help man gain an understanding of God’s plan for his life.He taught using things like trees, gardens, businesspeople, farmers, family, visitors,kings,and many others, which aren’t recorded in the Bible.And the Bible says,”if every one of them were written down,then the whole world would have no room for the books that were written,”(John 21:25).
After he ascended into glory, Jesus appears elsewhere in the scriptures, where he spoke to John in a vision while at the Island of Patmos.In the vision,he gave John a figure/parable,to show the manner by which he comes to his people.He said;
Revelation 3:20;”Behold,I stand at the door and knock:if any man hear my voice,and open the door,I will come in to him,and will sup with him, and he with me.”
He gave this parable to show that his coming to people is like that of a visitor.And this coming is not for the purpose of taking his church; because he himself said that at his revealing to take the church,he will come like a thief.He will not come knocking and begging on people,but it will happen at night when all are asleep.He will then take his own people with him to heaven.By then, only a few will people will know.Jesus will at one time come as a visitor in people’s lives;and at another time,he will come purposely to take all who are his own.
In this parable,he says,”Behold,I stand at the door, and knock!”He also adds that,if any one hears his voice and opens the door,he will come in to him.This implies that one could hear Jesus’ voice but they fail to open to him.Or rather,one might not be in a position to hear him at all.This could because one is dead asleep,or due to distractions around the house,e.g.loud music or noise from those inside.
Once you let him in,he says,”I will done with him, and he with me.”Note that he says,”I will eat with him,and he with me.”He doesn’t say that they will eat together.We can therefore tell from his words that, while he stood knockin at the door;he did come empty-handed but rather had come with his own meal.Likewise, the one being visited has their own food.Thus,each one will partake of another’s food.
Giving careful thought to this parable,we get a clear picture of that time of the day when Jesus will reading the English and Greek bible versions,they put it in a more clearer language.And we can easily tell that it’s in the evening when the Lord knocked at the door.(At suppertime)
The parable also indicates that Jesus does come into our lives not to reap from us but for the purpose of benefitting us.He will at the dark.And these are dark times,last days,and the end is soon here.
Usually,it is common for a visitor to knock while they use polite words that show their need to be allowed in.He does not use forceful means so as to enter the house,like breaking/crashing the door.He knocks for a while but if there’s no response, he will go away and return after some time.But supposing that owner of the house hears while the visitor knocked but refuses to open,then the latter will go away,never to return.For it will be that he’s not needed there.
In the same way, Christ knocks at the door of very human hearts.He will speak to you through preachers, asking you to open for him.If you don’t hearken to his voice,he will also send many of his servants even on social media platforms.Even, there you will encounter his Word.You will hear his in every corner, wheresoever you go.When you give heed to his voice and obey,he will come in to you, bringing with him precious and breathe-taking valuables to behold.
Do not be deceived, brethren, that you will Repent in your old age.For those who are stranglehold by sinful ways such that they can’t perceive his voice,to them he will persistently call.In most cases,such people are from backgrounds where paganism is part and parcel of their lives.They are non-religious.They have had no encounter with Christ through the gospel,and are therefore unaware of who he is.They lack knowledge pertaining to the Christian faith.This group of people is like those who are in deep sleep.The Lord will raise his voice loud enough to rouse them from sleep.And theirs will be such abundant grace.
However, for those who were brought up in Christian families since childhood, the Lord will not keep on knocking for them to open for him.They have heard for a long time the message of the cross and are fully aware of God’s voice whenever he speaks.Some of them have even had real encounter with Christ in visions,and have been shown many signs.For such people,if the Lord calls and are not willing to respond and open,he will go away, never to return.Many don’t like it when they hear this truth.After the Lord warned the Israelites over and over again,but they remained stiff-necked, he told them these words;
Matthew 23:37-39;”O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,thou that killest the prophets,and stonest them which are sent unto thee,how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings,and ye would not!
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
For I say unto you,Ye shall not see me henceforth,till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
He told them that they would not see him henceforth.This is not a reassuring statement.Being in a hopeless existence separated from God forever!It would be better if we’re abandoned by men, but not by God.Think about these words,.Try to imagine that the Lord were speaking them unto you,”you will not see me again henceforth!!”In other words,it is over between the two of you!
As you read this message but still persist in your sins , remember that it did not cross God’s mind that you once again hear his voice at this time on social media.He had in his best interest that you believe and turn to him the very first time the gospel was preached to you.Yet since your heart was calloused,he still follows on through to be sure enough that his voice reaches out you.Do not ignore his voice, because this could be the last time he’s calling you to turn to him.Pay attention,and let him in,lest the same words he told the Israelites be uttered unto you.These words were spoken by this same Jesus who said,”Come to me all of you…”Elsewhere in the scriptures he says,”Away from me all you….”
Wherever you are now,repent your sins;by humbly asking for God’s mercy and saving grace upon your life.Do so with sincerely, intending to forsake all of your evil ways.As you willingly open the door for him,he will come in to you,to transform and make you anew.He won’t blame you for having kept him waiting all that long.He’s not like us.As soon as you open,he will enter with the treasures he’d brought for you.In addition to this,he will give you both physical and spiritual blessings.You will have that enduring hope for life here and now,and in the next world.
But if you’re unwilling to open the door for him to enter,he will leave.He will then come someday like a thief.He will crash into the house and steal all who belong to him and go with the to heaven.On earth,there will be terrible destruction…Do not let this catch you unawares.For endless doom will come upon t the whole world.
Remember also to share this message with others.
God bless you.