Blessed be the Name of our Lord Jesus.
Let us study the Word of God.
In the book of James 5:16,the Bible says;”Confess your faults one to another,and pray one for another,that ye may be healed.The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
This means that when we pray for each other,more grace is unleashed upon us(God brings healing upon us.) Praying for God’s mercy upon us and for others as well,we open a wide scope of the one for whom we pray to get healed.We too get healed and in so doing,we cover a multitude of sins.(James 5:20).
Let’s consider the case of Sodom and Gomorrah..As most of us are acquainted with the incident,we see that before God could sent fire from heaven to destroy the cities,He first revealed it to Abraham.And we know what Abraham did.He knew the unbridled lust,the foul acts of homosexuality,and the open obscenity and lurid attitude that permeated the public and private life in these cities.Yet Abraham did not accuse the cities before God.Instead he sought a way of saving them before God.
Abraham asked God if He was going to spare the cities supposing He found 50 people who were righteous.In response,God said that He would surely relent from destroying the cities if He found 50 righteous people.As we read further,we see Abraham backing God and making Him lower the ante every time.He continues his dialogue until he comes to 10 and stops there.But God’s answer was the same;that if He found 10 people who were righteous,He would spare the cities for their sakes. (Genesis 18:23-33)
Abraham ended up/stopped at 10.Suppose he had dared try to plead with God to reduce the number to 1, maybe the cities would still be there to date.For in there cities there was one righteous man named Lot.
Since Abraham did not have this in mind,he let the Lord go, because he knew that God would certainly find ten righteous people in the cities , and even more.He therefore left, hoping that his prayers would bring salvation for the cities.However his hopes were dashed to nothing and he was saddened when he woke up in the morning only to see that the cities had been set on fire.
Had he known that Lot was the only righteous man in the cities,Abraham wouldn’t have let go off the Lord before asking Him of this.Perhaps he would have pleaded with God to lower the number to one.Abraham would also have spoken to God for the sake of the one righteous man ,so as to save the whole city.And a solution would have been found right away.
What we can learn from this is that we must pray for each other deeply,not just casually.We should not assume that things are alright with our brethren,our communities,or our nation at large.Things aren’t as calm as we may think or imagine..We need to get into praying deeply and fervently for God’s mercy and grace,lest destruction/doom comes upon our brothers and to us as well.
James 5:16;
“Confess your faults one to another,and pray one for another,that ye may be healed.The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Job was a righteous man ,yet he did not stop praying for his children.How much do we,as the church of Christ need to pray for one another!At times mentioning names.That God may not just end up on healing us only,but others too.
May God help and bless us.