In Life do not try to make the mistake of reducing prayer… It is good to reduce the time to do other things that you think are important but do not reduce prayer at all! .. If you are already a prayer warrior, then start reducing you make a chance for the devil to destroy your life.
There is one secret the Lord told His disciples about prayer. He said “WATCH AND PRAY THAT YE ENTER NOT INTO TEMPTATION “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak
That Word “that ye enter not into temptation” it’s a big word , do you know why Jesus said ” But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. ( Matthew 10:30)” This is because there is another creature that seeks us out even for small things… and that is nothing more than a devil… .Many do not know that the devil even after death your corpse is still valuable to him.. now not more your hair?, not More your spit ?, not More than your fingers, not More than your hands? .. yes all that he really needs… That is why the bible says there, even all our hair is numbered (meaning they are protected from being lost or used by the enemy).
If Satan fails to kill you by accident that day, he will even look for you to cut yourself with a knife only while washing dishes, if he does not pierce your eye that day he will look for you just to get rid of you! and if he misses you in the flu he will also not be satisfied he will find a way even to be bitten by a thorn in the road! Just to hurt!… So those little things you despise that you feel the devil can’t deal with, to him still has a chance with them.
But being a prayer warrior every day before bed or in the morning, or in the afternoon when you have a good time of praying you gives the devil a hard time finding a place in your life. But if you are not a prayer warrior, strange things will happen in your life that you do not even know what the source is?… overweight.. and things like that (these are life trials)… now the tests of faith are the ones you find yourself in a situation of denying the faith or betraying it.
You remember a few minutes after the Lord Jesus told Peter and his companions to pray so that they would not fall into temptation. , when they ignored what was next? About three hours later before the rooster crows and even before their sleep was over they were awakened by a band of men with clubs and swords… and one by one the disciples fled until another fled naked leaving the Lord alone (that is) it is already a denial of the faith) .. And not only that!… Peter too by pretending to be a hero that he can win majar without the power of prayer, he followed the Lord where he was sent and he denied the Faith, (he denied the Lord three times that you do not know).
And we are the same, if you are not a prayer person in the morning you will wake up with a message from people who want you to bribe them so that your thing will succeed, he gives you the same righ.
If you find you have slowed down to pray know that you have already begun to fall back in faith, that is the first sign, the second sign is to slow down reading the Word of God.
Prayer is likened to the incident of the Prophet Moses, when he stretched out his hands in battle… when he stretched out the children of Israel in battle they were able to defeat their enemies and defeat them… but when he lowered the power they left the children of Israel and moved to their enemies and defeated the children of Israel. Israel and we are so the power of God overcomes our Life against the power of the Enemy if only we and every day / every time we have raised our hands and our hearts to pray. Those are just a few benefits of prayer there are many we cannot have time to analyze them all here.
So don’t stop praying at all! .. and remember brethren praying is not the prayer for food or “Our father” its not enough, the Bible tells us we have to pray at least one hour per day, if you go deeper as 3 or 4 hours it’s much better and also prayer is not going to be prayed for by some servant of God or your brethren!! .. Prayer is for you if you stand by yourself and pray hard.
Remember, the devil is in trouble with your hair, he is in trouble with your life and he is in trouble with all the organs in your body, and not even through magic or using witches… he has more demons than much of his work uses demons to make them even more magical. A very large percentage of people are tormented by demons thinking they are witches.
So take off the anchor today and start the deep prayer journey every day.
If you have not given your life to the Lord, these are the last days, Christ is coming soon so turn around today and give him your life and he will have mercy upon you.
May God Bless you and Bless us all.